Northeast Victim Service
For immediate assistance with an emergency, please call 911
There is a federal program, administered through the states, designed to assist victims of crime recover from the financial effects of victimization. This program is called Victims Compensation Assistance Program(VCAP).
Crime victims may qualify for compensation if the crime is reported to the police within 72 hours, the victim cooperates with law enforcement, and a VCAP claim is filed within two years of the incident (exceptions may apply).
Northeast Victim Service’s advocates can help you apply for any and all appropriate VCAP:
• Loss of Earnings
• Loss of Support
• Stolen Social Security or
Pension Benefits
• Medical or Home Care
• Relocation
• Crime Scene Cleanup
• Transportation
• Attorney Fees
• Funeral Expenses
• Counseling or Therapy
Typically, property crime loss is not eligible for compensation.